PROOF: Landscaping Services Increase The Value Of Your Home

A Virginia Tech survey showed by investing in landscaping services your property’s perceived home value will increase considerably and produce a higher selling price than homes with barely any landscape appeal.

The study revealed three specific areas to focus on when increasing the value of your home, as well as their return on investment when improving your landscaping.

3 Landscaping Services You Get a Big Return On

The Virginia Tech survey looked at change in home value from no landscape to well landscaped.

Three specific areas proved to show significant increase in overall home and property value.

  • Design Sophistication
  • Plant Size
  • Diversity of Plant Material Type
  • A 5.5% to 11.4% increase in home value was revealed.

I found one of the most interesting results from the survey was; minimal landscaping with lawn and small plants actually lowered the appeal, thus lowering the value of a property.

So What Increased The Value Specifically?

With a $400,000 residential property the value increased from $22,000 to $45,600 with a sophisticated landscape that boasts more color and large plants versus only a lawn and small plants.

The survey conclusions are very clear… whether you’re selling your home, or just want to make it more appealing, looking into landscaping services will actually improve your property value.

In a time of economic strife, this is a surefire way to get the most bang-for-your-buck when it comes to one of the biggest investments we all make… ownership of our home.

Now You Know – So What’s Next When Hiring a Landscaping Service

When you’re ready to bring in a landscaping service be sure to discuss these proven facts. Work with your landscaping company to find the most cost effective ways to increase the value of your property.

By focusing on design sophistication, plant size and the diversity of plant materials you’re virtually guaranteed a significant return on investment… and in a down real estate market… you may actually get your asking price.

3 Bonus Tips to Increase Property Value

Clean Lines: Edging your plant and flower beds with clean lines immediately improves the look and feeling of the property. In addition, add some curves and turns to the beds shape, increasing interest and appeal.

Over Grown Shrubs: Many people focus on removing clutter from their homes and living space. Removing your yards clutter is just as important for improving curb appeal and overall feel. Cut back overgrown trees and bushes and watch how much better your property looks.

Adding Color: No matter the time of year… adding color to your yard will certainly increase interest in curb appeal; in addition, it’s proven your landscape design can improve your health.

The results are in… Most home improvements over time diminish in value… whereas your landscaping can actually increase because of the growth of plants and trees.

Conclusion: Investing in landscaping services will increase the value of your home.